This directory contains compatibility code for Google Chrome 35 / Chromium 35 and later versions. The code consists of a Javascript file that needs to be installed into your browser and a server program that must be running when you need to use sites using BankID in your browser. To compile the code type: make A program file called "npcompatsrv" will be created. To start it, type: ./npcompatsrv If FriBID is installed in a standard location then it will be auto-detected and the program will say "Server started on port 20048". Otherwise an error message will be shown. Then install fribid_npapi_compat.user.js into your browser. For Chrome / Chromium do this: 1) Click the ≡ button, click Tools --> Extensions. 2) Open the npcompatsrv folder in a graphical file manager. 3) Drag and drop the fribid_npapi_compat.user.js file to the extensions list in the browser (or the text saying that you don't have any extensions). 4) Click "Add". 5) Done. "FriBID NPAPI Compatibility" should appear in the list. If you use Chrome/Chromium 38 or a later version you also need to run your browser with the follwing command: chromium --allow-running-insecure-content You should now be able to access web sites that use BankID. A yellow warning triangle will appear in the browser when you use npcompatsrv. This happens because the server runs on plain HTTP and not HTTPS. Since the server runs locally only, this is not any problem.